Hello 2016

Tuesday 12 January 2016 London, UK

I can't quite believe that we are in 2016 already. Where did last year go?  But it is definitely gone, my Christmas tree is officialy back in his box in the attic, along with the decorations, the food in my fridge resembles that of rabbit's rather than the ultra yummy festive one of 3 weeks ago and my wallet is dry! Yep, January is definitely here! *please place sad face here* 

On a personal note I am rather happy 2015 is over as it hasn't been the greatest of year for me. If I were to look back on 2015 I would have a reaction that would resemble something like: 'Meh...' with a sad face...! So I have higher hopes for 2016.  I can see some of you probably think, 'oh no not another new year, new me' ....well don't you worry I have no new year resolutions... well not in that way anyway. To tell you the truth I never do them, I am more of a person that has long term life goals, perhaps because I am older and wiser? Meh!!!!  So you can relax and hopefully read the rest of this post. But one thing I certainly will reflect on is my blog and this is what this post is about really. I am happy with my blog and by happy I mean I am not ecstatic about it but I know where I came from a year ago so yes I am happy. I am happy that it now reflects me more, I am happy that I have improved my photography, and have been more selective with brands that I work with, I am happy in general the way my blog looks since it became live about a year ago. But ...(yes there is always a but) there is part of it that I still don't feel happy about it, boxes that I would love to open but I cannot find the courage such as using my face more. Yes that face you see at the top right of this post, that silly face of mine doesn't appear very often here, actually never. I want to put that face of mine, that have been sticking around since well... birth, on this little blog of mine and by that try to do make up looks and perhaps do look posts... perhaps? I mean for most of you this might not sound like a challenge but for an introverted person like me it is rather a big deal. So in the grand scheme of things this is pretty much where I would like to take my blog further :Make up looks, Fashion looks but also I am not going to just stop there, I would still like to improve: My photography, also do a little less beauty themed posts, with more personal blog post such as photography & art. Ooh and last but not least change my blog design. I don't give myself a year to do this, as I mention above it is not what I aim for, but hopefully following the above steps on my own time. It might take me 6 months, a year, two years...it doesn't matter as long as I get there eventually.

What are you blogs 'resolutions' tell me all by commenting below.

Don't forget to follow me on my Instagram and on my Facebook page for my everyday adventure.

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