Cherry Cheer Lipstick | Sleek

Sunday 17 January 2016 London, UK

If you haven't read my blog post about Film Noir by H&M then you won't know that I am slightly obsessed with sheer plum lipsticks, basically the sheerer and the plumier it is the better. This time around it is not an H&M lipstick but Cherry Sheer Lipstick by Sleek
I have to admit I have a love affair with Sleek, for many reasons really: I guess its their beautiful yet simple black packaging, their quality, their price and if you don't own at least one Sleek palette then you don't know what you are missing out on. So when I found that Cherry dark lipstick staring back at me I become very weak in my knees and I had to add this one to my collection. It is not my first sleek lipstick I own a few and one thing that always strikes me is their rich colour and their very hydrating formula which brings me to mention that this particular range contains vitamin E which is your best friend for hydrating skin and has many other benefits so what is not to love. Right now with Film Noir by H&M and this Cherry lipstick by Sleek I am spoiled for choice and when it is cold in the morning, that your lip seems as dry as a desert putting this dark lipstick just gives me the courage to brave the cold journey to the office in the morning. This collection is packed with 31 colours to choose from and at £4.99 why not? I think I need to add few more to my collection. Have you tried this lipstick collection? Tell me all by commenting below. 
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